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What is a Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD)? It’s more common than you think. Check it out now!
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NMES VitalStim!
Feeding & Speech
Providing high quality and effective feeding therapy to children and adolescents.
What is Schult Feeding & Speech?
Schult Feeding & Speech is an insurance accepted private practice based in Rochester, NY. I provide feeding evaluations, individualized weekly or intensive feeding therapies for individuals 6 months to 21 years of age, and parent coaching!
Take the stress out of your life by making mealtime more enjoyable for everyone.
To take the stress and worry out of your daily lives!
Provide high quality and effective feeding and swallowing therapy services to children and adolescents with or without complex medical needs
Capitalize on the child’s strengths, have fun, and educate parents and caregivers for better carryover at home.

I’m an American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) certified Speech-Language Pathologist, licensed and registered to practice in New York State.
I have a passion for helping children and adolescents improve their quality of life by learning to love food instead of be afraid of it, to eat what they desire no matter the texture, and educate parents and caregivers on how to obtain a stress-free mealtime at home.